Originally posted by Ultra Woman:
I find it telling that even in alternate realities Lois was always the one he told his secret to. He never told Lana, even after they had a relationship. She found out through an evil scheme that risked Chloe's life. She risked killing Chloe because Clark didn't want to tell her his secret. With a friend like this... :rolleyes: I guess even unconsciously he knew she wasn't trustworthy and that she was not right for him.
This is so true.

All the way back to S2 and the first time Clark was exposed to Red K. He hinted at his secret, but then held it back - teasing - and wouldn't tell her. When under the same Red K influence with Lois - he told her immediately.

I also find it telling that Clark only ever proposed marriage to Lana in desperation when he felt that he was losing her. In S5 his secret was driving her into Lex's arms, so he proposed. In S6 she was MARRYING Lex and so he proposed again (while under Red K influence). Guess what, when they were FINALLY LIVING TOGETHER all the way through S7 ... surely they'll get married now. NOPE he didn't even bring up the subject for conversation, never mind propose or walk down the aisle. Conclusion: He actually didn't want to marry her ... but he just didn't want to lose her.

Now ... proposing to Lois... *mouth zipped*

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."