I started watching the show when it came to ABC Family. At the same time that I watched an episode each day starting with the pilot on ABC Family I would watch the new episode each week, which was in S4 at the time. It was a strange way to watch. S1 episodes every day with a S4 episode mixed in every week, but I eventually caught up. I now have all 10 seasons on DVD.

IolantheAlias has aptly nicknamed the Lana arc in the middle of S8 as the WTF arc. [Notworthy] It's twice as bad as ARGH, I've got to say, because it makes Lois the fallback choice for Clark, which I can't stand. He only falls for Lois, because he *can't* have Lana due to her meteor-infected derma suit. [Razz] BOOOOOOOOOOO!! [Razz]
That storyline was just horrible. Lana should have never been part of S8.

The S7 episode, Hero, with the return of Pete Ross was pretty bad too. That episode was basically an hour long gum commercial. I watched that episode live and one of the commercials was for Stride gum and it took a few seconds for me to realize that it was actually a commercial and not part of the show.

On Smallville I was a big fan of Chloe. After a while she became my favorite character on the show and I really liked her relationship/friendship with Clark. I've since started watching more of Allison's work.

The S4 episode Blank where Clark loses his memories and Chloe teaches him about his powers, while also learning ones she didn't know about yet is one of my favorite episodes. I really like the second half of S4 where Chloe begins to learn parts of Clark's secret and and starts dropping hints to Clark that she knows.
"Chloe, you've been saying a lot of weird things to me lately. What makes you think I'm destined to do anything?"
"Just a hunch."

S2 of Rush where Clark is affected by Red K and Chloe & Pete have been infected with a parasite is another of my favorite episodes. There are some fun scenes in that episode.

I really enjoyed S5 where Chloe was fully let in on the secret.

I loved Christopher Reeve's appearances on the show. Those were enjoyable. I also enjoyed the various appearances of the Justice League characters.

I'm trying to be careful with what I say since I've seen the entire series. So for now I'm going to end with these few comments.

"Who's asking? Clark... or Superman?"