WOW....Another post that is just SO SO powerful. I am completely hooked on this story. I love the angsty ones best and this one has it in spades!!!! thumbsup

She didn’t want to die. Not now. Not yet. She had so much that she wanted to achieve! So many things she’d never experienced.

Kerths to win. Pulitzers. World-shattering events to see, to analyse, to write about. Places she wanted to visit - Paris, Tahiti, the Alps, the Great Barrier Reef.

Things she wanted to do - go deep-sea diving, learn how to parachute, get better at skiing, fly across the Grand Canyon, drive through Death Valley, see Old Faithful erupt, sip retsina in a real Greek taverna. Kiss a lover in a tropical twilight.

A lover. A man who would love her and cherish her and want to be with her. A man she could marry and live the rest of her life with. Someone to belong to.
I particularly LOVE that little bit because I can say (unfortunately) from personal experiance that THAT is exactly what happens when you think you are going to die. It's incredibly surreal the little things that pop into your head. People you haven't seen in a while, things you were planning to do or haven't done. Everything feels so unfinished and you've captured that brilliantly here.

Waiting ever so patiently for the next post...pretty pretty please make it soon???? laugh

Spike: "There's a hole in the world...feels like we ought to have known."