Everyone else will gush over the emotions, and the tension. I just want to point out that Clark is obviously heading for a dilemna here.

He doesn't consciously see any problem with his continueing on as he always has been with Lois. He's her partner, and her best friend, and together they will find a way.

But, he is also Superman, and the longer he keeps that fact under wraps the more jeapordy he places Lois in. He has, if off-handedly, noted it himself when he thinks about the taxi ride, rather than flying her back home.

His unconscious tendency to instinctively protect his secret can only cost them time. Time that he could help shorten by the open use of his powers.

And I know that he has sworn that no Superman emergencies will take him away from her, but what happens if he is confronted with a situation where lives will be lost if he doesn't act. It's one thing if he doesn't know about the situation. But a fire at a local orphanage, or a deadly hostage situation. What will he do when other, perhaps several, lives are at risk. The good of the many verses the good of the one sort of thing.

It will be interesting to see how you answer these questions of conscience as the story unfolds.

With Clark's reluctance to share his whole self with Lois cost her too much time, and perhaps her life?

Stay tuned.

Tank (who thinks that he sees a way for Clark to reveal himself to her and in the end still preserve his secret)