Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Actually, I wouldn't call the scripts "accurate".
From The Prankster Script:
Hi. I had this sudden urge for pizza and a Woody Allen movie and I know how much you like pizza and Woody Allen too, well, at least his early work, so here I am.
Apparently, from what I've heard, this *was* what some of the dubbed versions said. Not a mention of Mel Gibson or Lethal Weapon in sight. wink Thankfully, enough of us on the boards DO have the DVDs and can look up the correct wording of dialogue if you ask. laugh [/b]
blush That's one of the things I actually do like about scripts-- catching all of the little edits/improvs that were made to it. For the most part, I remember them the way they were said anyways. But the little descriptors and changes actors make in dialogue from script to screen is what makes it. laugh Of course, accuracy can suffer slightly in the research division, but it's mostly entertaining to me. Plus, I think it's interesting to see how well the actors did in comparison. It's a fascinating experiment actually. The process between writing a script and filming it are vastly different. A lot of times the things I might write down on paper sound way different/weird aloud. Also: ACTORS ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO CONTROL. It's not just a joke. Coming from the writing/behind the scenes background, it's crazy complicated. Because you're relying on somebody else to try to make *your* vision in *your* head come true. (Hint: this is how I got into animation. TOTAL CONTROL AND WORLD DOMINATION!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!-- er, ahem. Something like that. Though I'm still considering writing/editing...)

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain