Um... This makes me feel guilty because (obviously) Lois and Clark is one of my all time favorite tv shows... But I don't own the DVD's. peep I was a wee babe when the show first aired, and I mostly saw them in reruns a little later (though I know my parents watched it when it was on the air). When the DVD's came out, I was not in charge of the DVD purchasing and hadn't seen them all either. We rented them from Netflix when I was probably about 12-13 (before Instant) and I fell in love with the show (and Dean Cain!). When they came to Instant a few years later, I loved them all over again and watched them incessantly (also as an escape of sorts). I was devestated when they were taken off Netflix (I believe I've mentioned that before), but then they started showing them on the Hub this last year and so I recorded every single episode. Unfortunately, 87/88 episodes eats up a lot of space on the DVR, and that, coupled with all my Castle recordings, drove my mother crazy so I now only have my favorites recorded. I discovered fanfic somewhere in the middle of all that, though I first wrote for the Superman movies, trying to fix a whole BOATLOAD of mistakes....

Honestly, I would love to own the DVD's. I would love to own it for a lot of shows (LnC being top of the list, but Castle too), but I am a broke college student. The tv shows I do have on DVD were only because I got them cheap (i.e. "Firefly" being only the one season and the first season of "Chuck" because that was when our Blockbuster was going out of business). What helps me the most though as far as the research aspect goes is the scripts here on the site. They're accurate, they're right at your fingertips, and I love reading scripts anyways. That coupled with the episodes I do have recorded, plus the wonderful world of the internet... I can get by. Besides, if I had the DVD's too then I *REALLY* wouldn't have any time left in my day. (I barely have time for homework!)

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain