Originally posted by Blayne:
Just IMO, I think you're all being a little harsh towards Mel
I'm sorry if it is coming across that way. No one is trying to be hard on anyone else. However, this is board open to people of all ages and we are therefore required by law to keep the content at or below a PG-13 level. We could be in very serious trouble if we don't.

Beyond that, comments of that nature just aren't appropriate in many circumstances. Even many of people who are legally allowed to read content of that nature choose not to. They should not have to be exposed to it here. We want the boards to be a comfortable, welcoming place for all people.

I'm sorry if any of the comments came across as harsh, but it was simply an honest reaction to an offensive and potential legally risky situation.

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen