oo1. Finish my memoir is at the top of my list, though I don't know that it will be checked off. Every time I get to a point where I think I might be done a section, I remember something or something recent happens and I think 'oh, this would be a fantastic example of such and such a thing.'

oo2. Graduate high school. I've been working on this one for far too long, but I'm actually close now (at 23 years old).

oo3. Practice the art of forgiveness because I've been holding grudges against a couple of people for a long time now, and the only person affected by my anger is myself.

oo4. Read more. 'nuff said?

oo5. Lose weight is on my list every year, and I'd like to because I gained some last year while on bed rest for several months, but I'm not making any unrealistic goals. If I lose 1lb or 20lbs, I'll be okay with whatever my body is going to be this year.

.talk nerdy to me.