I thought I didn't have five resolutions, but when I got to thinking realized that they're even more. But here's my top 5:

1) Get in shape/ Exercise more (at least 4 hours per week)

2) Have a great idea for my masters thesis and start working on it

3) Visit my best friend (she moved to another country two years ago and I haven't had the chance to meet her new place)

4)Get in the 3% or merit list (it's a sort of honor roll in my college and has two types of monetary prizes for students. The students in the 3% receive about half of the tuition fee and the ones on the merit list receive the full value of the tuition fee times 5)

5) Become independent/ Get a (good) job

Granny Weatherwax: 'You've got to think headology, see? Not muck about with all this beauty and wealth business. That's not important.'

Wyrd Sisters, Terry Pratchett