1. Recommend somewhere to visit. It can be anywhere on the planet -- and tell us why!
Paris. It's a beautiful city; everyone I know who's been there loves it and wants to go back again someday, and that includes me. What greater recommendation can a place get?

2. Where is a place you have always wanted to visit?
There's quite a few, but at the moment it's Ireland (Republic not Northern) I'm most interested in visiting.

3. Where is a place you really have no interest in visiting?
Will I get chased by pointy stick guys if I say America? Actually, that's not quite right, there are some beautiful looking places in America, but I wouldn't want to go to one of the big cities like New York.

4. What is your favorite city on your continent?
Wells in Somerset. Mainly because it's tiny, about the size of a small town. If you haven't worked it out yet, I'm a country bumpkin at heart and *hate* big cities. Wells is smaller than my hometown, and the cathedral has the most gorgeous staircase in it, and a pretty cool clock.

5. Where was your last vacation?
Disneyland, Paris. It was great fun!

6. Where will your next vacation be?
I don't go on holiday that often so I have no idea, but me and a friend were discussing maybe going to Scotland in 2012 to get away from the Olympics.

6. If you were beamed into Lois and Clark's universe, where are three places you'd want to visit?
I have no idea. Like I've said before, I'm not a fan of big cities so I don't think I'd like Metropolis. I might just hang out in Smallville at the Kent's farm, go to the Corn Festival and maybe take a trip on a visiting spaceship!