1. Recommend somewhere to visit. It can be anywhere on the planet -- and tell us why!

The Blue Mountains west of Sydney everything is so beautiful if you are the bushwalking type and always a great place to go if you want to get away from the city.

2. Where is a place you have always wanted to visit?

Vietnam because I love Vietnamese food and my dad was born there and China I saw a documentary made by the BBC and aside from my love of Chinese history it is again a beautiful place.

3. Where is a place you really have no interest in visiting?

I don't think there are many places I don't want to go to, but I would probably have to say Iraq

4. What is your favorite city on your continent?

My home town of Sydney everything is within easy access especially the beaches and the harbour. Melbourne is fantastic too because the shopping is great.

5. Where was your last vacation?

So long ago I can't remember

6. Where will your next vacation be?

I'm probably going to Taiwan later this year

6. If you were beamed into Lois and Clark's universe, where are three places you'd want to visit?

The Daily Planet, Clark's apartment evil and I can't come up with a third one

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller