1. Do you consider yourself more of a reader, a watcher, or a listener? I guess a watcher

2. What is the last book you read/are currently reading? Is it sad that that I'm having a hard to remembering? I think the last book I read just because and not for class was The Myth Of Monogamy, very interesting read by the way.

3. What is a book you have read at least 10 times? I dont think I've read any book more than two or three times, fanfic is another story. I guess The Tell-Tale heart by Edgar Allan Poe, I've read it at least once a year since six grade.

4. What is the last movie you saw in the theater?I think it was UP in 3D.

5. What is a movie you never get tired of watching? Beauty and the Beast the disney version.

6. What is the last CD you bought? CD? I forget that those still exist. The last one I bought was Mika's Life in Cartoon Motion about two years ago.

7. What magazines do you subscribe to? None, my brother and sister in law subscribe to almost every mag under the sun so I mostly just "borrow" theirs.

8. Do you read the newspaper on a regular basis? If so, which one(s)? Not really, I guess prefer the New York Times but I mostly read the AM New York because I get one for free before I hop on the train.

9. What kind of tech gadgets do you own? The Iphone, it's my baby and the love of my life and the desktop which spends more time on the fritz than actually working and thats about it.

10. What is your guilty pleasure Web site? It used to be the boards but I dont really visit as much as I used to anymore so I guess Facebook.

11. What are three things you can't leave the house without? Ipnone, cherry chapstick, underwear not necessarily in that order.

Procrastinators unite! Tomorrow.