1. Do you consider yourself more of a reader, a watcher, or a listener?
A watcher. If you mean whether I read or watch TV most. I like vegging out. Doesn't mean I don't read, I most certainly do. Have done more so the past few months than any other time since graduating highschool.

2. What is the last book you read/are currently reading?
Freaks4Fangs. It was one of the bargain books at Books a Million.

3. What is a book you have read at least 10 times?
...Green Eggs and Ham?

4. What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
Either Star Trek or Wolverine Origins XD

5. What is a movie you never get tired of watching?
Mulan. No wait, the Mummy. Man, there are a FEW movies I can continuously watch :p

6. What is the last CD you bought?
I bought three CDs, but I only remember buying Rascal Flatts. I remember this because I was listening to 'What Hurts the Most' when I got in my car wreck a month or so ago :p

7. What magazines do you subscribe to?
None. XD I DO skim the ones at work, though. Men's Health and Cosmopolitan both make my cheeks turn red :p

8. Do you read the newspaper on a regular basis? If so, which one(s)?

9. What kind of tech gadgets do you own?
Cheap cell phone, mp3 player. Computer. Um... Yep, pretty much techless XD

10. What is your guilty pleasure Web site?
fanfiction.net XD

11. What are three things you can't leave the house without?
Notebook, wallet, and clothing.

Mmm cheese.

I vid, therefor I am.

The hardest lesson is that love can be so fair to some, and so cruel to others. Even those who would be gods.

Anne Shirley: I'm glad you spell your name with a "K." Katherine with a "K" is so much more alluring than Catherine with a "C." A "C" always looks so smug.
Me: *cries*