I would bow to CC's superior knowledge of the story if she thinks that part 11 is a better stopping place than part 12 or 13 for this two-week break that is going to kill me anyway.
I promised you part 12 and it's coming, really. Though thank you for the 'get away free' card, Kathy! Very sweet and generous of you!

And L, thank you for your comments. This:

I would dearly love to live in a world where children are never harmed, where rape/murder doesn't happen, but wouldn't want this to also mean that the fire in the human heart that makes life interesting would also be dampened.
So great. And that's all I'm saying...

And that interesting comment about "Throwbacks"... hmmm.
I have no comment on this either, just... yay!

And Onaleia, welcome! Thank you so much for letting me know you're here and reading. And as for your comments... you have some things *exactly* right. (I'm just not saying which ones. wink )

Ok. I'm tweaking and part 12 should be up soon.


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
