I have been voraciously reading, and yet hardly commenting at all - because usually when I read your stories, I get blown off my feet, and it takes a while to process what i feel for comments.

I love the ongoing thread that Utopia is not really... well... utopia. And I've always thought, to my humble self, that the world as described by Tempus does sound a little flat. I would dearly love to live in a world where children are never harmed, where rape/murder doesn't happen, but wouldn't want this to also mean that the fire in the human heart that makes life interesting would also be dampened.

I love how you've written this museum to be so hard and horrible for them. I love how you have had her slowly transition from blaming him to believing in what's going on.

I love that Silas has a crush on Lois... and yet, so much of him IS Lois.

And that interesting comment about "Throwbacks"... hmmm. That almost sounds like an epithet.

Fascinating stuff, and I owe you scads upon scads of commentary.

I will... when I read this again through from start to finish. Until then, I eagerly await the next part!

Silence is violence. End white supremacy based violence