It took me a while to adjust to Labby's doggie avatar. laugh

I went to one of those sites that helped me combine pictures so I could have a rotating avatar. I picked the one of CK because it was the first avatar I had (I had difficulty letting go of it). Also, I think he looks totally awesome there (love the colour too). I picked a picture of me b/c I thought why not and the last one is just one that makes me think of fun stuff. Not a very detailed explanation. I'm not very good with changing my avatar more often because I associate it with myself.

I used to have one of LL and CK sitting on the couch and she's leaning her head on him. I had it for a little while, but then reverted back to my first one. I liked that one b/c it was from one of my favourite episodes (Witness?) and I enjoy the feeling of happiness and waffiness when I saw that avatar. I want to encorporate it into my rotating avatar if I ever get around to it.

I think I used to change it for certain holiday seasons, but no longer.

(Oooooh now I remember the one where LL & CK are floating up to infront of the moon...I love that one too. I had it for a year (?), but I need my man in spandex showing the S.)

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.