Stephnachia, you had me so confused when you said Lois looked so sexy and all I could see was Luke. dizzy

I never picked an avatar because I'm not a visual person. If I had to pick something for myself it would probably be a musical theme (along the lines of Peter and the Wolf or Dr. Zhivago.) I messed around with something awhile ago, but I never got it looking the way that I wanted.

I must say, though, that I do associate other people with their avatars. Women who have men on their avatars and vice versa can throw me off for a second or two. I don't tend to remember what a person's avatar is without looking--did I mention that I'm not very visual?--but there are a few exceptions. Nan's avatar has such a cheesy-faced picture of Teri Hatcher that I have to remind myself every once in awhile that it's not a picture of Nan herself. (I never confuse Labby with her avatar or Paul with his. laugh )

who also has never gotten around to adding a signature, although on Zoom's board it says,

"That's because Lance Hunt is Captain Amazing!"
"Don't start that again! Lance Hunt wears glasses; Captain Amazing doesn't wear glasses."
"He takes them off when he transforms."
"That doesn't make any sense. He wouldn't be able to see."