The title says it all. I have to go for a walk and clear my head. I'll be back...

whinging He's not thinking clearly, but is blinded by all the hurt, love and anger he's been carrying with him for the past year and a half, so I can see that learning that Lois was responsible for what happened to Superman would send him off on the lunkheaded path.

This part is terrific, just like all that have preceded it. Loved how she kissed his forehead, and how Clark reacted (at least initially...). And loved the light moment with the coffee, when they both slid back into the ease of their friendship for a nanosecond or so.

At least they're starting to talk now, even though each one takes turns at throwing out a comment to raise the barriers of the other one a little bit more.

I have a question about the glasses. Lois removed them just before kissing him. Has he put them back on? I don't see that. If not, hasn't he realized that he's not wearing them? And wouldn't he be at least slightly panicked about that?

Of course, with this section's cliffhanger, he seems to have divulged his secret, but I'm kind of assuming that he's doing it on the spur-of-the-moment in anger, as opposed to planned.

As the angst just moves along in waves, carrying us all helplessly in its wake, I eagerly look forward to more next week... notworthy


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5