You know... in honor of the *big* cliff hanger... or at least *one* of them wink , I thought I'd share some of my comments from when I read this. Thought you might get a kick out of them, or at the very least... know that I felt your pain, dear readers... doesn't this just convince you that Sorcha is truly the eviller one? wink

"...Luthor is in Metropolis. And you're pregnant. And supposedly dead. At the very least, I want an explanation of all this before you go back."
Yeah!!! Give him an explanation, Lois! (You know, including a certain *coughwhattheheckdidyoudotosupermancough* fact). And then he’ll gather you in his arms and love all the pain and hurt away!!! He won’t hate you or be disgusted by you, Lois, I PROMISE!!!!

If it was possible to be angry, concerned, determined, afraid and sincere all at once, he'd achieved it.
WOW!! Incredible sentence! (That was my original comment... I still love it!!!)

She was a fool. An idiot. A blithering little idiot with a tissue crumbled damply in her hand, a spineless fool who dissolved into tears when a man smiled at her.
Hee hee… oops, sorry, we’re being sad here. (/me waits till Lois isn’t looking and does a little dance!!! Woohoo, step one towards everything being better. wink )

She set her chin firmly. It wasn't like this was new to her, she'd driven him away before. This should be a cinch. Child's play.
Ack!!! No!! Bad Lois!!! BAAAAAD!!!!!!!!!!!

"Low-fat, de-caf, right?"
Awww!! He remembers!! Of course he remembers! But I hope Lois realizes what even this little thing means!

The corner of his mouth was quirking up, and she had a moment of fierce joy. Was he... *teasing* her?
OMG!!! *huge heavy sigh of almost relief* and I wanna cry, I’m not sure if it’s from being happy or sad though. frown

"So what's the third-richest wife in the world doing sitting in a dark room sipping coffee in Kansas with a man she tried to kill sixteen months ago?"
(pausing to change the font size because I’m going to yell and you’re in big trouble, missy!)


SARA!!!!!!!!! You did NOT just do that!!!! You did not just drop that totally accusing harsh and well deserved question slash revelation BOMB and leave! You didn’t!!!!! Tell me there’s more! NOW! ACK! ACK! ACK! ACK! ACK! dizzy

Okay, I'm done now... I think I've proved my point... Sorcha is the eviller one. devil

Sara angel-devil

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🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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