Oh, gods. From Superhero to Super psycho. I so didn't want to see that.

I mean, I knew he was going to be a villain, and that's okay, but couldn't he have been a classier sort of villain? Why a butchering-victims-without-anesthesia kind of villain?

That's it. This show is collapsing in on itself as surely as LnC ever. I'm not watching the seventh season.

Thanks for posting the deleted scene, Super Gem. I guess now we know why it was deleted. I've seen you on the devotedtosmallville boards. Are you on the Supernatural one as well?

“Is he dead, Lois?”

“No! But I was really mad and I wanted to kick him between the legs and pull his nose off and put out his eyes with a freshly sharpened pencil and disembowel him with a dull letter opener and strangle him with his own intestines but I stopped myself just in time!”
- Further Down The Road by Terry Leatherwood.