I second Rivka ... Sara cheated. goofy

And yeah, too short! You need to post more ... like the whole rest of the story ... right now!

No? Darn.

OK, then I guess I'll have to limit my comments to this part.

Loved getting another glimpse of Silas, and I'm wondering if L&C can go back to work now. Though Silas isn't there all the time, and if he didn't tell anyone about his encounter with them or that he learned they don't work there, no one else will likely realize they don't belong. Unless, of course, they run into Silas again ... with no way to just fly away ...

Andrus ... poor, sweet, incompetent Andrus. Can't even make a tart right, let alone keep tabs on a space criminal. Yet he was so good as Father Mulcahey ...

And Lois and Clark playing house in the attic. Too bad it's freaking Lois out. wink Or rather, she's trying to make it freak her out, but that soulmates bond thing is kicking in ... making it hard for her not to hug him and kiss him and get started on the happily ever-- er, um, sorry, got ahead of myself there. But in this S1 timeframe, holding hands and sleeping curled up together is *kind of* like HEA. Isn't it? Well, I'll take it. smile

Looking forward to part 8! Whenever CC wakes up from her mid-morning nap ... I mean, gets around to posting it.
