As everyone before me has already said, this is awesome. Wonderful. I loved it. This was moving along absolutely splendidly as another twist on the pilot. I loved some of the thoughts that ran through Clark's head, such as

With the distinct impression he had been played like a violin, that he had, in fact, agreed to a deal very similar to Bobby Bigmouth’s, sans egg rolls,
So I'm smiling away, enjoying myself immensely, and then I read this:

shiny silver get up of some sort.
and I was literally bouncing up and down in my chair in anticipation. I LOVE Tempus in your stories, CC, you write him so well.

And the Peacekeepers are a riot! I could quote every line of theirs as an absolute gem, but I think this was my favorite:

“You see how he does that?” remarked a hushed voice. “It’s already second nature. The protective gesture.”

“She needs it, though, doesn’t she?” someone chortled.
Needless to say, I'm dying to find out what the red beam is. I'm guessing red kryptonite, of course, but I won't be at all upset to find out I'm wrong...

Are we on a EOD schedule here? (Please say yes...)


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5