Since this thread said "Gulf Coast" and I don't live on the coast, I kinda passed it by. Then I was told my name was mentioned because y'all didn't know where in Alabama I live. I'm 450 miles inland -- on the opposite end of the state from Mobile. We had wind and rain and a brief power outage. Some folks were without power for a couple days but no one here is complaining. We feel so bad for the coastal folks and feel that what we experienced is just a minor inconvenience. Because we're along I-65 we have evacuees in the area. Churches and other civic and religious organizations are taking them in and are asking the locals to help with supplies and perhaps lodging. A job fair was held yesterday to help them find employment. And the local university has said any students from the N.O. colleges can attend here. They're going the extra mile to see that their education continues.

My writers group just learned today about a writer from New Orleans who has come here to stay with her sister. Our workshop is this weekend and we're inviting her to attend free of charge, hopefully to give her a few hours with other writers and take her mind off things. She lived in the Garden District and isn't sure but suspects that the house she rented was flooded and probably looted. This means her books and computer are most likely damaged beyond repair if they're even still there. I really hope she attends on Saturday so we can see if there's anything we can do to address her needs.

I'm hearing more and more that it's the grassroots help that's most effective. The monetary donations will eventually be distributed, but the individuals who take boxes of food and clothing and supplies straight to shelters or who take in a family are the ones really meeting the immediate needs of these people.

Thanks for asking about me.

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