TJ, as far as I can work it out, the roundup of those we know about from the Gulf Coast states are:

  • JenD, aka Shadow, who's in Gulf Coast, Alabama. She posted before the hurricane struck that she was maybe going to evacuate. She hasn't been heard from here since.
  • Forest, aka TagsNOLA, a guy from New Orleans who comes on IRC and has very, very occasionally posted on the boards. We don't see him much, but he certainly lives in New Orleans. No sign of him since the weekend.
  • I know Marilyn lives in Alabama, but have no idea where or if she's anywhere near the hurricane-affected areas. Still, she hasn't posted anything since before the hurricane.

ShelleyEm from southern Louisiana, who we were concerned about, posted in the other Katrina thread to say that she's fine. So glad to hear that, Shelley! And, of course, CC - any other Georgia/tornado-area FoLCs out there?

There are probably more FoLCs in the Gulf Coast area - these are just the ones I know of. If anyone has any information, please let us know! We know that there are millions still without electricity and phone-lines in that part of the US, even in areas where Katrina did no real damage, so people may be perfectly fine and just not able to get online. At least, I hope so. sad


Just a fly-by! *waves*