Oh, man, can I just tell you that LnC fans are the greatest people ever!! You guys have been so much help, I can't even express my thanks.

Here's the set-up for my story - I'll tell you about my characters and what seems like a reasonable situation for them and you guys can tell me if you agree. BTW, I have to confess that this is for an original fiction....

My heroine is a native New Yorker who works in the publishing industry. She met her husband in college (out of state) and they decided to live in the city for a while before starting a family. So - for this couple, is it reasonable that they might have bought a condo/apartment on the Upper West Side or perhaps they rent something? She would have a fairly easy commute to her office, which if I use the addresses of some big name real publishers seems to be in the general area of Mid Manhattan.

My hero's family is from Brooklyn, and they are second generation Italians. Very steeped in their backgrounds so would gravitate towards primarily Italian neighborhoods. From the research I've done, it looks as if the Bensonhurst area has a big Italian flavor. Is this a good place where he might have grown up as part of a large family?

Also, my hero's father, brother, and uncle (as well as a cousin or two) were all FDNY firefighters. It's a big family tradition (one that my hero bucked!) I don't want to use the location or information from a real Brooklyn unit because this is fiction, but I've been researching Brooklyn stations just to get an idea.

Like I said, thanks so much you guys for all of this information. Being from Chicago, I know so much about the city and its various neighborhoods and the little details only those who live here could know. It is so cool hearing stuff like that about NYC. And if every anyone needs info on Chicago, let me know.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah