Can a very kind person who lives in or has lived in or is very familiar with New York City answer a few questions for me? I've only been there once and it was in the Times Square area, but the stuff I need to know involves living in the city and in Brooklyn. Any help is greatly appreciated!

1 - What neighborhood could you imagine a young, professional woman who worked in Manhattan living in? Safe, close to work, but not so expensive she'd have to be related to a Trump (she makes a decent salary but not that much!).

2 - How long would it take to get from Manhattan to Brooklyn? And this is not worrying about excessive traffic - just an average (1 hour? 10 minutes???)

3 - Does Brooklyn have areas segregated by nationality? So, for example, an Italian neighborhood, an Irish neighborhood, etc?

Thanks for any input!


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah