I think they went too far in turning Lois and Clark into a home-based sit-com after their marriage. I had actually forgotten there were any scenes at the office in "Ghosts".

It was a bit much when both Lois and Clark were working on stuff related to their apartment instead of actual stories.

On the other hand, Toy Story, especially Lois telling the story of Superman to the children, was one of my favorite scenes of the entire series, so I can't complain too much about the Lois wants to be a mother dialogue. They are in their late 20s, so having kids is perfectly reasonable. Still, I have to agree that being so worked up about it after just a few months of marriage, especially when she spent some of those in jail, was a bit much. Especially after they were willing to wait so long between their failed wedding and the real one. grumble grumble grumble at "Small World After All" not being the marriage episode.

John Pack Lambert