I like your idea of a running commentary on the episodes.

The montage is one of my favourite scenes of the entire series. The other is one you hadn't mentioned.

I became hooked on the show when Clark said, "You like to be on top. Got it." And the irony is that I don't usually enjoy double entendres. But this one was so well done that I couldn't help but like it. The setup for it was brilliant.

I, too, enjoyed seeing *Clark* flying. Of course the powers don't arise from the suit, and there is no reason that Clark couldn't fly in civvies, but it is still a bit jolting (in a positive way) to see him do so. I'm not sure why; maybe we've become so accustomed to seeing comic book heroes in tights and capes flying that we've become inured to how shocking seeing a man fly would really be. Somehow, the simple change to everyday clothes makes the surreality of it apparent anew.


edit: I have a very different opinion of Cat. I strongly disliked her character and was glad to see her go. She didn't fit into the show. To me she felt like a character thrown into the show solely to appeal to hormonal teenage boys. (And yes, I do know that her character is based on one that is in the comic books. That doesn't change my feelings toward her.)

I do agree with you strongly, however, in that I like Clark being the real persona and Superman the disguise. It makes a lot more sense to me that a being like Clark would invent a Superman persona than that a being like Superman would invent a Clark persona. The old radio show indicated that Superman established the Clark persona so that he could be in a newsroom to be able to hear of crises as they happened. But Superman could have attained the same end simply by hovering near a news establishment and using his super-senses to get the news. He then wouldn't have had to deal with the hassles of coming up with convenient excuses to leave the newsroom to go to a rescue. That rationale just doesn't fly with me, if you'll excuse the expression.