In the spirit of the recent 10 Character challenges, I thought I would propose the following game.

I have a list of 10 characters. You have to figure out who they are.

They are all LnC characters. If this goes well, I'll do more.

Some ground rules.
1. You may ask only two simple questions at a time. (Is #10 a female? If #4 and #8 got married would they be gay?)
2. I'd like a breather after every 6 questions so that I have a chance to answer.

Edit:I took out the direct question rule because it really isn't that much different than Rule #1...

If you think you know the answer post the number and the name and I will say yes or no.

I will give you a hint.
#10 is male.

Have fun!

Just a reminder, I have a pool of about 100 LnC characters, so every list has at least 1 very famous character and 1 knowable character, if you put all the clues to together. The other 8 fall somewhere in-between. And they don't all fall in the same pattern.

#1 Johnny Taylor (carolM)
#2 Myrtle Beach (Classicalla)
#3 Vixen (Starkat)
#4 Bibbo Bibowski (carolM)
#5 Lois Look-a-Like (carolM)
#6 Star (Anagram)
#7 Resplendant Man (Classicalla)
#8 Agent Dan Scardino (gr8shadesofElvis)
#9 Inspector Henderson (carolM)
#10 Lex Luthor (SmileyD)

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!