SQD, another intriguing instalment. You've set up an interesting diversion here.

I've never read, nor seen the Count of Monte Cristo (I know, I know, it's supposed to be a classic) so everything is new to me here.

The next few instalments are going to be key for me, though. You are walking an extremely thin tighrope of characterization (for me) here, and I'm going to be very curious to see how you justify Clark's behavior. Part of me (the smaller part) can sort of understand Clark's williness to let Clark Kent stay dead, especially if he thinks he's 'changed' in such a way as to have a negative impact on Lois' and M&J's lives. I still think his first thought would be to check up on them, surreptiously, just to see that they are fine... without him.

Still, the larger part of me says that Clark would move heaven and earth to get back to Lois. So I need some logical reinforcement concerning his decision.

The other major aspect of this story that troubles me is one of plot. And that's entirely my problem. I'm automatically less enthused about a story that relagates Lois to supporting character role. I realize that this is a 'Clark' story (and I, myself have written 'Lois' stories), it's just that I like Lois a whole lot more than Clark so when she's not a large part of the framework I'm less involved.

I am looking forward to seeing where you plan to go with this, but a warning... If Lois is with Lex you will need to come up with some very solid reasons for it to be so. I can accept that Lois might have married Lex on the rebound but I can't see her staying with him very long (definitely not the nine years of your break) given Lex's personality and hers. This is another area (if that's the way you've chosen to go) where you would be balancing on a very narrow cliff.

So, that said... MORE!

Tank (who is still cranky and sore from having a chair dropped on his shin yesterday while unloading a truck)