Well, an interesting twist here that I hadn't expected. Hmmm...

And then I read the comments folder. I hadn't thought about the parallels to "Count of Monte Cristo", but they are there, aren't they? A classic tale of revenge. But Lois and Lex - oh, please no. I don't think I could take it, and no matter how cold and unfeeling that Clark thinks himself now, he would be devastated if he found out that Lois had gone back to Lex. [Linked Image]

meclone2 wrote:
But Edmund and Mercedes never got back together.
Not in the book, no. But in the movie version that came out last year...well, Hollywood tweaked a few things, let's put it that way, so there would always be hope for Lois and Clark...

And Liz wrote:
I can't imagine the scene when Lois sees him after he assumes this other identity and realizes that it's Clark!!
Well, depending on how closely SQD follows the Count of Monte Cristo parallel (assuming that is what she is doing), Lois may not realize that it is Clark, at least not right away. Mercedes didn't. I guess it depends on how much, if at all, Clark's outward appearance is altered.

I really liked the whole scene with this mysterious Devon. I'll be curious to see how this develops. When the time comes, will Lois recognize Clark through the facade? I'd sure like to think that somehow, impossibly perhaps, she'll just sense it. But I'm probably worrying about that a few sections too early...

And I just have to say that reading this line will bring me nightmares tonight.
He faced Devon as a new light sparked in his dark eyes. "I love irony."
Visions of Clark interposed with Tempus in my head. Aargh!!! [Linked Image]


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