Moral Lessons one can take from L&C: Don't jump into bed with someone before you really know them, or you run the risk of getting your heart broken. Similarly, if you want to get to know a love interest better, but are worried you'll end up in bed together too soon, suggest a no sex clause for the duration of the date. If they refuse, it might be your clue that they're more interested in the sex than having a long-term relationship. (OK, that one was based on one of my own stories, but I still think it's a good lesson. <g>)
I too had the misfortunate of learning this one by experience but it's nice to see a show reinforce it.

I learned the meaning of rhetorical from LnC when I was probably about 12 years old. I went around using it in every sentence it could possibily fit in (and probably some where it didn't).

Welcome CK!

Superman: I hear you've been looking for me.
Lois: All my life.