
Great part. help Why Lois don't remember how she got there?

The other two guards wormed their way in, and walked over to Clark's prone form.

"What are you doing?" she hissed, as one took hold of Clark's limp arms, and the other his legs.

Thompson smiled. "Merely taking him somewhere more comfortable so that I may deal with you."
Poor Clark. eek They probably want to make him believe she is being torture.

"A chance?" she asked, incredulous. "You kidnapped me and Clark. You're holding us hostage with loaded guns. One of which you *shot* at me. You own some crazy xenophobic alien police force. You murdered a woman and blamed it on Clark. Trask is Darth Vader to your Emperor, endlessly tormenting an innocent man to the point where I've had to badger him all week just for one measly clue or two about you. And you expect me to give you a *chance?* What do you think I am, galacticly stupid?"
eek She use all her information and Trask is not there to heard that Thompson was the murder of his wife.

She *had* to get out of here. And she *had* to save Clark.

Lois stared at the bullet hole over the door handle for a long set of moments. Slowly, a plan had begun to hatch. A crazy one. But it would never hurt to try.

She was suddenly very, very happy she had opted to change into sweats and sneakers before she'd come on this little jaunt.

She reached down to her white Keds, and began to work a shoelace free.

Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.