Thanks, guys, for the support. I really appreciate it. smile
Good job to our FoLC detectives who found out about this shadiness. You guys are a lot more productive than the Metropolis P.D.
LOL, Jenn! That Zymac, especially, is pretty darn ineffective, isn't he? lol

And I agree about the "how dumb was she?" aspect of this particular plagiarist. Most of them at least change the title to hide what they've done, but she didn't even bother doing that! I can only assume she thought that since the story was posted back in 2002, I was long gone from the fandom and no one would be around to call her out.

CM, all my stories are on the L&C fanfic archive. You can find a list of them here . Thanks for your interest. smile

If you want to read the stolen story, I should point out that 1) it's actually the sequel to another story, though each one does stand alone, and 2) there are nfic versions of each (ones that I wrote, not with scenes inserted from other authors, LOL). Those can be found on the nfic archive, or from me directly. The first story in the series is called "When Friends Become Lovers" and the second (the one that was plagiarized) is called "When Lovers Become More".