I made such a huge BOOBOO. I accidently didn't read part 14 before I read 15. I was so confused when they where talking about when they made love.


They made love?! When?

SO I had to retrace my steps and could not believe my mistake. I have been so buzy. Bad bad Roo.

Well what can I say those parts where awesome and pulled on my heart strings.

I do hope for more soon. I am glad they got over their concerns and just let themselves feel what they feel and not have to hide it.

I just wish Clark would STOP hiding his sickness, as little as the bad feelings are!!!!!!! Bad bad Clark!!! Won't he EVER learn! He needs to speak up and put some of his Superman persona into use.


But I'll give him a kiss on the nose anyways.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.