"I don't care to do that." They (and I) meant that they'd be glad to do it. She thought they were saying, "Nope, ain't gonna do it."
I thought so as well!

I live in an urban setting in central Canada and I use y'all everyonce in a while. i don't really here that here in the city.

As for 'row' (r-ow) only my grandparents use it who are from England. I use it from time to time and pple know what I mean here.

My mum-in-law spent some time with some pple from the States (I don't what area). She kept saying they said "you all" and I said no it's "y'all". I can't recall what area, if any, says it "you ll". (Maybe she said Chicago, which I do realize isn't part of the south.) We kept asking her to repeat the phrase because she was says it was really...in an amusing fashon and slow and thinking she had it bang on. It was far from it. I guess you had to be there.

I've always wanted to explore the southern USA.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.