This is a perfect example of why two grown people can't have a legitimate conversation with three little ones underfoot. James thought I had asked him to post it this way since I've been online so infrequently lately (school year--here I come!) but I had told him that I was planning on posting it myself someday when I got around to it.

This is what I had originally planned to post:

In the original series Perry White oftentimes uttered made-up Southern phrases that were intended to provide character but sometimes sounded a little off. When I write Perry, I try to make sure he turns a colorful phrase without rehashing the same old stuff.

Yesterday I tried a new tactic. I figured I could write much worse than the original writers. So I spent five minutes spinning out the worst fake Southern idioms I could come up with. I wanted to challenge y'all to try your own hand at badfic. Surely somebody writes worse than I do (although I must confess that it takes real talent to intensionally write poorly).

PS I thought the "o" was always silent in opossum. That's why it's "a opossum" and not "an opossum."