First off, congratulations to all who participated in this round of ceremony, be they winners, nominees, or just those who had fun with the evening.

I've always thought that the alt-Kerths were a somewhat light-hearted attempt to recognize those
'alternative' forms of expressing one's passion for the fandom outside of your typical fanfiction. That's why I'm not so sure that the categories of Tempus fic, and the collaborative fics should have been singled out to be a part of the alt-Kerth process. I've always seen them as just another part of the vast catalog of L&C fanfiction. But what the heck.

As for 'Desparate Reporter' I make no claims against the success of that little fic. I think we all know that Wendy is quite an old hand at these award thingies and so any credit for such a success should fall squarely on her shoulders. I look at it as, she succeeded in spite of having to pair up with me on it.

Tank (who still holds dear his 'success' at avoiding Kerth awards)