If you missed tonight's ceremony, here are the the incredibly deserving winners!

Best Tempus Fic
Without A Superman by ML Thompson

Best Kerth Acceptance Speech
George (as written by Yvonne) for Best Supporting Character/Original Character at the 2005 Kerths

Best Kerth Presentation Speech
Sara and Beta for Best Comedy at the 2005 Kerths

Best Comments Folder Title
Comments - When You Say You Love Me, How Can You Give Me a TBC? By Kaethel

Best Comments Giver
Sara Kraft

Best Drabble
Guilty Pleasures by Lynn M.

Best Reader's Digest
Masques by LabRat

Best Christmas Carol Fic
Super Santa Claus Man by Lynn M.

Best Challenge Response
Something the Cat Dragged In by CC Aiken

Best Short Collaborative Fic
Desperate Reporter by Tank Wilson and Wendy Richards

Best Long Collaborative Fic
Tea Totaled by AnnieM and Kathy Brown

Best Song Fic
My Immortal by Kaethel
Shape of My Heart by LabRat

Best Fanfic Trailer
For the Greater Good by Pelican

Best Comedic Music Video
Inspector Gadget by Rachel

Best Waffy Music Video
Hero by Lynn M.

Best Angsty Music Video
My Immortal by Kaethel

Best Song Choice in a Music Video
Die Another Day by Rachel

Best Lyric/Image Match in a Music Video
Die Another Day by Rachel
Happy Birthday by Rachel and Jenny

Best Overall Video
My Immortal by Kaethel

Congrats to all of the nominees and winners! Your efforts and creativity are what inspire us to put together these awards!

Also, The Alt-Kerth Committee would like to give a huge THANK YOU to all those who helped us out. We couldn't have done it without you!

~The Alt-Kerth Committee
Anna, Rachel, and Saskia