I've been asked to post the following on behalf of a certain rotund psychologist:

Another award??? Jeez, what did I do this time? Seems like all I have to do is open my mouth and you guys shove awards down it. Not that I'm complaining, you understand. I just wish my colleagues at the clinic appreciated my talents as much as you do.

So...um...does this one come with any money? Because, you know, we shrinks aren't exactly overpaid and my cat, Ella, has a very healthy appetite. You wouldn't believe what I have to spend on food for the two of us. I swear that cat eats more than I do.

If there's no money, then I guess I'll just have to put my rates up. Heck, even my buddy Clark said I'm worth my weight in gold...at least, I think that's what he said. He may have said I weigh as much as...nah. Clark's a nice guy. He wouldn't be rude about a person's weight.

Would he...?

Anyway, thanks for the award, and maybe we can all do this again soon? I like you guys.
