106. Clark goes to New Krypton. But because his body grew up under, and adapted itself to, the yellow sun of Earth, the red sun causes him to have an extreme allergic reaction that kills him.

107. Clark leaves for New Krypton. However, Tempus has tampered with the ship that will carry him there. It explodes after leaving the last reaches of the yellow sun, killing everyone aboard, including Clark.

108. Clark leaves for New Krypton. There is a Star Wars style spaceship battle between him and Nor. Clark loses and his ship explodes, killing him.

109. Tempus uses the time machine to travel to Krypton before it explodes. He convinces Jor-El and Lara that if they send their baby, Kal, to Earth, he will grow up to be an evil, god-like overlord. Unwilling to imperil Earth, they never send Kal in his ship, and he dies along with all of Krypton.

110. Clark goes to stop the Nightfall asteroid. However, he does not know that it is actually part of his exploded home planet. As he gets close, the Kryptonite core kills him. (Nightfall then strikes Earth and kills everyone else.)

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon