Originally posted by VirginiaR:
How about this for a substitution...

93. Superman fights and accidently kills Chuck Norris. He feels so bad, he hangs up his red cape forever.

Does that work for you?

Although, isn't Chuck Norris supposed to be a good guy? Why would Superman fight him? Again, I send this to our fine MouseRocks judge.
thumbsup I say it works. For backstory, what if Chuck Norris is so insistent on fighting Superman. He becomes incredibly annoying about it, going to all lengths to make it known to the world that he wants to fight the hero. Between his pestering and the always-irritating, never-ending Chuck Norris jokes, Superman breaks down and gives him what he wants... and as a result, we get #93. laugh

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain