75: Jor-El was nuts and Krypton never exploded; the rocket drifts off into space, and baby Kal-El never reaches Earth.

76: Nightfall arrives during Green Green Glow, while Clark has no powers. He ends up in the impact zone.

77: Learning that Krypton is doomed much earlier than in the usual timeline, Jor-El has a vasectomy to ensure that he and Lara won't bring a child into a doomed world.

78: Clark swallows the bomb in the first episode. Unfortunately his powers only protect the outside of his body...

79: Doomsday turns out to be Lex Luthor's continent, fallen through a time warp from the Superman Returns universe and full of Kryptonite. Superman dies trying to smash it.

Later - sorry, Nightfall, not Doomsday!

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game