Okay, it's Sunday and, despite the fact that CC's beaten me to it and posted another part of her fantastic story over in nfic, I've been told that it's time I posted part 5.

Well, thank you all, including the IRC naggers, for your lovely comment posts, which do inspire and encourage me - as well as making me laugh. goofy

Lynn said:
I do like how you're showing why she might have had such a monumental chip on her shoulder against Clark from the get-go. Makes me kind of, sort of, a little bit forgive her.
LOL! But thank you. I'm really glad that you commented on Lois's explanation for her hostility towards Clark. You see, I've never had a problem with that attitude on her part, because I understand it completely. I also work in an occupation which is male-dominated and, while people may talk about the academic team and all that, it's basically dog eat dog. The men all form their own exclusive cabals and do their best to walk all over the women. Women are still grossly under-represented in the senior levels of the occupation, and the gender pay gap is wider than that in society generally. But you didn't want to hear all that! Suffice it to say that I understand where Lois is coming from. mad

And then there's Clark... Thanks, Kae, for this:
Although I agree with Pam on the 'Don't be an Idiot' part, it's obvious that the experience with Trask traumatised Clark so much that he now believes some of what Trask said to be true. He's an alien, and humans are normally repulsed by aliens. Why would it be any different with Lois? Especially since he already scared Lana with his strength, even without her knowing the truth about him. He can make people terrified, and terrifying Lois would be horrible for him. Poor Clark!
Yup! He's traumatised, all right. So, yes, he's an idiot, but is the fact that he's a traumatised idiot any better? goofy

As for whether Lex will try to horn in or not, remember that Lois has already acknowledged that she's not attracted to him. wink On the other hand, it seems that Lex is definitely attracted to her... so you'll just have to wait and see what happens there.

And will Clark tell her, José? Hmmm. The other question is: will Lois tell Clark about the interview?

TJ, thanks for being so glad to see my posts!!

And with that... Part 5 coming up very soon.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*