Very true, Tank; there is nothing wrong with their being very close friends. There's no reason why either of them should feel that being 'just friends' is settling for anything - as long as, of course, neither of them wrecks it by falling in love with the other. wink But that's not the specific problem here. What Clark's worried about is the possibility of Lois falling in love with someone else, because it would mean the end of their close friendship. She wouldn't be sharing intimate dinners with him any more, or watching movies with him at his apartment, or calling him late at night just because she felt like talking - she'd be doing all that with her boyfriend.

Just like Lois in the series was worried about losing Clark to Mayson - and not only because she would lose the chance of love with him, but because she'd lose her best friend - here Clark is worried about losing the special friendship that he has. And he would lose it, because there's no way any boyfriend would tolerate another man having such an established and important place in Lois's life, just like no girlfriend would tolerate Lois having a similar place in Clark's life.

As to what I will do... read and find out. wink

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*