Nice part, Wendy! This whole story is developing nicely (sorry I didn't get a chance to comment on the first 2 parts).

Their non-date in San Francisco was very nice. And it was good to see them hash out some of Lois's prickly behavior from when they met. I'm glad he just came right out and answered - and that she was comfortable enough to open up to him.
“I can understand that,” Clark said softly. “And I wasn't going to criticise. I was going to say that the worst of it is I hate the fact that they robbed you of your ability to trust.”

Lois stilled, and he halted beside her. She turned her head to look at him, barely knowing how to respond. How could he possibly understand so clearly?
I love that - how he seems to be able to understand her so clearly, better than she understands herself sometimes. goofy

Beaker: Special Talents: Scientific assistant, Victim
Last Book Read: "1001 Meeps to a Bigger Vocabulary"
Quote: "Meep! Meep! Meep!"
Never Leaves Home Without: Medical Coverage