For me, the hardest one of all to guess was Mededith's A Day at the Metroplis Pet Store.
So... it worked, then. laugh

Seriously - thanks for the appreciation, Vicki, and to others who enjoyed the humour. I suspect many people read a sentence or two and hurriedly gave up before their brains exploded. It was... uh... interesting to write, and much harder than I expected! I sincerely hope nobody got upset about being guessed as the author for this, though... that potential minefield only occurred to me after I'd submitted the entry. cat

CC - I adored your comments on the other thread (as can no doubt be guessed from my shiny new .sig!)

I'm saving my comments on the other stories in the hope that they'll be reposted and get their own comment folders.

I had enormous fun with this challenge - writing, reading and guessing, and watching everyone's guesses. Thanks and kudos to Lynn for organising it!


A diabolically, fiendishly clever mind. Possibly someone evil enough to take over the world. CC Aiken, Can You Guess the Writer? challenge