That was fun! Thanks, Lynn, and everyone else who participated!

Some real surprises here, both in authors and guesses. Sarah and Erin... wow! Meantime, Mere told me she'd thought of writing something like "Metropolis Pet Store," but wasn't going to... and then changed her mind after I left. Darn. <g>

What really surprised me, though, is that there was only one correct guess where I was concerned. My name kept popping up in all these places, but no one except Vicki put it in the right place!

Of course, we were all guessing wildly, and everyone guessed wrong on more than half the stories. Impressive, and unexpected. Also kind of cool.

Now, for my own purposes, I'm putting the stories with their answers in the order in which we guessed. I want to better compare my own guesses with the answers. Since I'm doing it anyway, I figured I'd do that here, in case anyone else wants to do the same.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place by... Paul aka HatMan
Clark's Pet Peeve by... Paul aka HatMan
A Day at the Metroplis Pet Store by... Meredith Knight
Lois and That Cat by... Sarah Luddy aka Sarah Maksim aka Meercat
Lois and the Cat by... CC Aiken
The Pet Bet by... Erin Klingler
That's All it Takes by... Anna B the Greek
Waiting for Superman by... Yvonne Connell
Still Life with Python by... Mary Potts aka Queen of the Capes

Dance with a Stranger (Nfic) by... Meredith Knight

Now, where do we put FDK for these wonderful stories?

Paul, who really meant to be in bed half an hour ago...

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.