I checked in last night, just to see the answers, but didn't really post much due to the late hour. So, here I am again with more comments on this contest.

First, thanks to Lynn for coming up with such a neat idea. It really was lots of fun!

Paul said,
What really surprised me, though, is that there was only one correct guess where I was concerned. My name kept popping up in all these places, but no one except Vicki put it in the right place!
Actually, Paul, I was a bit surprised by that, too! (not that I got it right, but that others didn't). As Lois said to Clark in the swapping-bodies episode, "I'd know you anywhere." (Well, actually, not. I did not recognize you in Clark's Pet Peeve. I do have a bit of an excuse, in that I had assumed each writer had only entered one story. However, honestly, one look at the title should have told me it was you.)

Two other styles which I found fairly easy to recognize were Mary's and CC's. (Although, I do confess to erroneously attributing The Pet Bet to Mary. That was a tough one, though, in that I hadn't read a story by Erin in awhile, making it more difficult to recognize her. Note to Erin: Post more often. I love your stories!)

Yvonne wrote
Me, I'm just curious to know *why* people figured me out. Was it a style thing or a content thing?
As I mentioned when making my guesses, what gave it away for me was the use of "quite" as an adjective. Plus the style of writing fit with you as an author.

Now that I see the answers, I'm a bit ashamed that I did not recognize Anna BtG in That's All it Takes. I was distracted by the subject matter, but looking at it objectively, I can definitely see that this was Anna all the way.

For me, the hardest one of all to guess was Mededith's A Day at the Metroplis Pet Store . I honestly had no clue who this could be, but it was one of my favorite stories in the bunch. (Which is saying a lot, since I loved them all!) There were so many gems in this short piece, but the one I liked the most, I think, is when the narrator informs us that the storekeeper has fallen in love with Lois' chocolate brown eyes, and, as if she were reading the story along with us, Lois sweetly growls
Mmmm, Chocolate!

All of the authors deserve a round a applause. You all did a great job. Thanks again, Lynn, for this fun contest!

- Vicki

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster