First of all, I want to thank everyone for their kind words. I’ve posted a few things in other fandom and I’ve gotten some good feedback, but this place has always seemed like “the” place to be fic-wise. The feedback I’ve gotten here has been completely honest and not above giving me a nudge here or there, which has been a big help from the writing standpoint.

Like ChaaBreh, my relationship with comics has been a lifelong one, but I’ve loved Superman in all of his incarnations and so I find myself drawing on a lot of things with this fic. When John Byrne did his revisionist history in 1986 one of the few things I liked about it was the fact that the Kents lived. Still, as I’ve said elsewhere, I think it added a tragic side to the character for him to be orphaned twice. And I always found it interesting and a bit inspiring that the greatest champion of humanity was an alien that was totally alone in the world.

It’s become a bit of an inside joke with me to include Bruce Wayne in some shape or fashion with anything I write if it’s applicable, which is partially why I chose to include him here. The other part is that I needed someone for Clark to interact with on a completely open level and be able to discuss his doubts. Despite Byrne’s take on things I’ve always missed the two as “best friends”. Their particular approaches may differ, but at the core they are two people that are essentially alone in the world, both having been orphaned, yet chose to help others and cherish life. It just made sense that they would be friends.

Also, in today’s world where people pump their fists in the air and yell in delight when the Punisher mows down a criminal or Wolverine slices open an opponent I find it refreshing to see characters that prefer not to kill, go out of their way to avoid it, and actually be bothered by the thought of causing harm to another.

Finally, in reference to dear Hazel who asked me in the last section to be more attentive to Clark’s eye color, I must apologize. I’ve known the man for three decades and his eyes have always been blue. Even when L&C came out and brown eyes were referenced my mind reverted to my most favored defense of “denial” and I simply chose to hear “blue” in its place. smile

Speaking of appearance, if anyone hasn’t seen a copy of Alex Ross’ “Mythology” go to your local bookstore and give it a look. There’s a photo of a full sized wax figure of Superman that is based totally on Mr. Ross’ art and no living subjects. I may be indulging in pure fanboy geekiness, but I find it mesmerizing to stare into a face that looks as real as you or I, but is of an Icon I’ve known since age 5.

Again, thanks to everyone who responded. I’ll warn you in advance and ask for forgiveness and indulgence for just one or two other minor comic references in the coming parts. We’re over halfway though at this point as I reckon it with a few more parts to post. I hope everyone has enjoyed themselves so far because I want you to know that I definitely have. smile

Did is a word of achievement
Won't is a word of retreat
Might is a word of bereavement
Can't is a word of defeat
Ought is a word of duty
Try is a word of each hour
Will is a word of beauty
Can is a word of power

--Author Unknown